Picture Quiz


The students get a small piece of paper and have 1 minute to draw any fruit, shape, food or animal. They then hide their picture (by covering it with another piece of paper over the top, etc).

Students then make pairs and ask ‘what’s this?’, while revealing a small part of their picture. Their partner guesses. If the guess is wrong, they reveal a little more of the picture and ask again. When their partner guesses correctly, they switch roles and then make new pairs.

If needs be, the student can show the whole picture after a certain number of tries. If their partner doesn’t know what it is at this point, they can tell them the answer.

After a certain amount of time, students get 1 minute to draw a new picture and then start the next round.


It is best to encourage students to draw things that most students will know the English for. However, if their partner guesses by using the Japanese name, it should be acceptable.

Posted byPaul on April 7, 2022

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